Recording Connection graduate Eric Gonzalez music production success story

Their Story

Recording Connection graduate Eric Gonzalez offers key advice to other students who extern in today’s studios:

“Once they’re done with the program, if they don’t happen to get a job at that studio they’re externing at, don’t stop,” he says. “Google studios. Send them emails. Because who knows? That one email can be that one that lands them a job.”Eric ought to know—because that’s exactly how he landed his own job at Spitfire Studios in Los Angeles, CA, working with noted music producer Warren Huart (Aerosmith, The Fray)!

Of course, the background training he needed also came from a seasoned pro—namely, mentor Derek O’Brien at DOB Sound Studios in Santa Fe Springs, CA, who is widely for his work in the L.A. punk scene, most notably as a drummer for Social Distortion.

“That was a blast, especially me being into punk music and hearing his history with punk music,” says Eric. “Working with Derek O’Brien really set me up and really, really prepared me for how it’s really going to be.”

But even though he might have waited for some sort of job opening or recommendation from his mentor, Eric took matters into his own hands, Googling recording studios all over the L.A. area and emailing as many of them as he could. It just so happened that one of the producers who responded was Warren Huart, himself a Recording Connection mentor and huge advocate for the program. Huart offered him a trial run in the studio, and in no time, Eric was assisting on sessions with major artists like Slash, Ace Frehley, and Disney Channel star Lauren Taylor (Best Friends Whenever)!

Eric made the most of the opportunity, working whenever he could, putting everything into his work. Then came the moment of truth:

“I wasn’t expecting to get hired right away. I knew I had to prove myself,” says Eric. “So I was in the studio, and Warren came in and wanted to have a little chat with me…When I got the news, I was relieved knowing that I’m staying, and just completely excited because this is my first real job in this profession.”

Like we said, Warren is also a Recording Connection mentor, and he explained his decision to hire Eric: “The bottom line is he was he was doing everything it takes for me to notice him and find him invaluable. And for people that work for me, I tell them all, you’ve just got to get to that point where I just can’t imagine not having you around. And that’s really what he did.”
So, by taking charge of his own future and giving his all when the opportunities arose, Eric has now landed a job working with one of the most seasoned music producers in the industry. And he says he’s still not done learning.

“Even though I’m hired, I’m still learning every single minute I can,” he says. “I’m still learning the console. I’m reading the manual from first page to last. I’ve gone through it twice. I’m going through it a third time right now. I’m not done learning, and I’ve got a long way to go.”