Course 33: Advanced Vocals

Are you looking to take your vocal recordings and mixes to the next level? If so, then understanding advanced vocal workflow techniques is essential for producing quality audio. Capturing the perfect vocal sound requires an in-depth knowledge of proper microphone techniques, signal processing effects, as well as mixing and mastering principles. By gaining an understanding of workflow basics and committing yourself to practice, you’ll get the most of your vocal recordings.

Getting a great recording is only the first step in achieving an incredible sound. While it’s crucial to set up and record with a clean sound, it’s not the most difficult part. Pitch, rhythm, and deliverance all play an important role in creating a vocal recording that stands the test of time. This is where comping comes in. Comping allows you to take your best takes and combine them to create the perfect final product. It’s a powerful tool that ensures that your vocal performance is nothing short of exceptional.

If you have an eight-bar verse, you can record it four different times and use pieces from each recording to create the ultimate version. By blending together the best elements of each take, the final product delivers a cohesive and flawless sound. In this course, you’ll learn when to use effects while comping, creating a vocal double, and vocal subgroup mixing.

Your assignment for this course is a perfect opportunity to hone your skills in comping, doubling, and ad-libs. Don’t worry about the audio quality as you can even use the mic on your laptop. However, ensure that you use headphones while recording to avoid feedback. This exercise will prepare you to build a great-sounding track that incorporates perfectly blended vocals.