Audio Certification – Workshop – Recording Connection Mon, 09 Dec 2019 02:03:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Audio Certification – Workshop – Recording Connection 32 32 Recording Connection graduate Vic Castaldo Opens Recording Studio Mon, 09 Dec 2019 02:03:22 +0000 Read More

Even though he’s still in his early 20s, Vic Castaldo has a clear vision of what he wants to achieve in life. He came to Recording Connection after having spent the past five years teaching himself music production. Now, after receiving direct, hands-on instruction and training with mentor Gary Pyles of Timeless Recording Studio (Cincinnati, OH), the graduate of Recording Connection for Audio...


What is Analog Sound? Sun, 08 Dec 2019 01:49:00 +0000 Read More

Sounds themselves are analog signals. We can choose to record these sounds by either analog or digital means. Analog recordings capture the continuous wave of the analog signal—what they hear is what they record. Digital recordings capture binary codes that reflect the sound’s intensity and pitch at precise intervals—in other words digital recordings sample the analog signals of a sound and then...


How to Record a Song Sat, 23 Nov 2019 01:36:40 +0000 Read More

There is no right or wrong answer to how you should record a song. How you go about doing it will come down to a few variables. The first is the genre of music you want to record. The second is the song’s personnel. The third is the end use of the recording. The fourth is your budget. Let’s break this down. The genre of music you want to record will influence how you proceed.


Home Recording Studio Equipment Thu, 14 Nov 2019 00:57:36 +0000 Read More

The audio enthusiast has numerous choices when it comes to home recording studio equipment. The first thing to consider is your computer, the backbone of any digital recording process. Desktops are usually more powerful and offer more options and inputs than laptops. That being said, the better laptops offer plenty of computer firepower to run any audio software and several continue to offer...


Roundtable Talk with Recording Connection mentor Nathan Jenkins Mon, 11 Nov 2019 20:48:15 +0000 Read More

Providing real-world education, support, and opportunity is something we take very seriously at RRFC. In order to ensure we continually set our students and mentors up for success, we’ve started inviting mentors into RRFC “headquarters” in Los Angeles for roundtable conversations with our Admissions and Academic Facilitators team. [break side=”right”] Here are a few excerpts from our recent...


Recording grad Aqellezra “Echo” Gabriel gets Hired at PSAV Mon, 28 Oct 2019 01:18:21 +0000 Read More

A lifelong songwriter and artist, Aqellezra “Echo” Gabriel was on her second year of general education classes at San Francisco State University, pursuing a degree in Broadcasting and Electronic Communication Arts, when she found us online. [break side=”right”] After some soul-searching, Echo decided to change paths and enroll in Recording Connection for Audio Engineering & Music Production.


How to become a successful audio engineer Sat, 28 Sep 2019 23:25:00 +0000 Read More

There’s a world of difference between being an audio engineer and being a successful audio engineer. If you are in the former, you want to be in the latter—life is a whole lot more fun when you are making a good living doing what you want. Success tends to breed success, which means the more successful you are as an audio engineer, the more you will attract great clients and music artists who want...


Recording Connection student Alexis Schwarting Gets Trained & Hired in Audio! Mon, 16 Sep 2019 00:23:41 +0000 Read More

When recent graduate of Recording Connection for Audio Engineering & Music Production Alexis Schwarting, came to us, she had already completed several semesters attending a conventional university. Nevertheless, her drive to get in and get going in music led her to Recording Connection (RRFC) and consequently, to longtime mentor, Rick Rooney (Clay Aiken, Warner Bros, Interscope, Sony). Now...


Hired & On the Right Path: Graduate William Reyes Mon, 02 Sep 2019 00:06:35 +0000 Read More

A deeply devout Christian, not long ago William Reyes was trying to find his career path in life. Less than one year later, he’s graduated Recording Connection for Audio Engineering & Music Production School, has an EP in the works, and he’s even got a job as an Audio Editor working with his former mentor Rob Malloy at War Drum Mixing. We recently spoke with the hardworking graduate and music...


Current Real World Success Stories of Audio Engineers. Mon, 26 Aug 2019 21:10:22 +0000 Read More

Being an audio engineer sounds like a really fun and rewarding job but is it realistic to expect you can make a living at it? The answer to this question depends a lot on how much effort you put into becoming successful. Let’s look at a few case studies from recent graduates of Recording Connection for Audio Engineering & Music Production or Recording Connection for Advanced Audio Engineering &

