Category: Audio Certification – Workshop

Recording Connection graduate Vic Castaldo Opens Recording Studio

Even though he’s still in his early 20s, Vic Castaldo has a clear vision of what he wants to achieve in life. He came to Recording Connection after having spent...

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Home Recording Studio Equipment

The audio enthusiast has numerous choices when it comes to home recording studio equipment. The first thing to consider is your computer, the backbone of any digital recording process. Desktops...

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Roundtable Talk with Recording Connection mentor Nathan Jenkins

Providing real-world education, support, and opportunity is something we take very seriously at RRFC. In order to ensure we continually set our students and mentors up for success, we’ve started...

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Recording grad Aqellezra “Echo” Gabriel gets Hired at PSAV

A lifelong songwriter and artist, Aqellezra “Echo” Gabriel was on her second year of general education classes at San Francisco State University, pursuing a degree in Broadcasting and Electronic Communication...

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Recording Connection student Alexis Schwarting Gets Trained & Hired in Audio!

When recent graduate of Recording Connection for Audio Engineering & Music Production Alexis Schwarting, came to us, she had already completed several semesters attending a conventional university. Nevertheless, her drive...

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