Externship Locations in Rhode Island

Music Production Programs and Approved Program for a new age for artists in Rhode Island. Learn, create, record and share. Let’s amplify your life, together.

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Rhode Island Audio Engineering and Music Production Schools

Although it’s the smallest state in America, Rhode Island’s proximity to New York City means you still have access to some of the country’s best audio engineering and music production schools. But you don’t have to travel to NYC to get a world-class education in music production–the Rhode Island Recording Connection has what you’re looking for in The Ocean State.

Build your music production and audio engineering skills by learning with an industry professional near you.


Blink 182
Snoop Dogg
Taylor Swift

Learn One-on-One from Real Music Production Pros

What sets us apart from other audio engineering and music production schools is the one-on-one mentor-student relationship and fully immersive learning environment. Instead of a classroom, you’ll learn from your mentor inside their real-world recording studio, working with the gear used by professionals around the world. See how to prepare for a session, learn the business side of running a studio, and find out how to work with artists in real time.

Rhode Island Recording Connection courses last from six to nine months, meaning while other students are getting ready for their sophomore year, you may already be working in the music industry. Our audio engineering and music production programs won’t put you into massive debt, like other schools charging $40,000 to $100,000 in tuition.

Why take out $50,000 for a student loan (and have to pay back even more with interest) if you don’t have to? Our tuition is just a fraction of what four-year universities, colleges, and trade schools charge. Do you really want to spend that much money to sit in front of a chalkboard and listen to a teacher talk at you?

Over 4000 reviews

Yes, we have over 4000 positive reviews. Our students value the impact our programs have on their future. You learn from the best.

  • If you come in with and will to learn and to meet others, you will excel. Recording connection will get you in the room with other engineers and musicians in your area that are just like you and have the same mindset. - Tyler Sneed in Cedar Park, TX

  • I started off with a mentor I didn't work well with, but I was able to get transferred to a mentor who has helped me immensely. I am happy that I had a great student advisor who helped me through everything. Overall, feel like I've grown so much as an artist and have learned a great deal that will help me in my career. - Sarhai Islas in Henderson, NV

  • Before the program I didn’t feel like I had a solid skill set I could get a job with. After doing the Film Connections program I feel a lot more confident, knowledgeable, and responsible - Tanner Thomas in Los Gatos, CA

  • I just finished my course and it's amazing how much I learned in such a short amount of time. These guys really do their best to help you learn and succeed in this field. Highly recommend checking them out! - Nicholas Vice in Houma, LA

Amplify your Music Education

The best part of our programs is the real-world experience you get and the opportunity to meet with the very people that can hire you after you’ve completed the program. Our successful students are either hired by their mentors, find a job at other studios based on their mentor’s recommendation, or develop a roster of clients so they can open their own studio.

That just doesn’t happen in a classroom–but it does happen at the Rhode Island Recording Connection. The state’s nickname may be Little Rhody, but you’ll get a big-time education with our audio engineering and music production programs.

Amplify your life

with Audio

engineering and

music production