Externship Locations in Quebec

Music Production Programs and Approved Program for a new age for artists in Quebec. Learn, create, record and share. Let’s amplify your life, together.

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The second most-populous region in Canada, Quebec is home to one of the country’s most international cities: Montreal. With more than five million people, there are many opportunities to learn audio engineering and music production in Montreal. But how many put you in a professional recording studio at the start, learning how to work directly with artists alongside an industry insider?

With the Recording Connection Music School in Quebec, you’ll be paired with a mentor, placed in a real-world environment, and work the gear used to make the music you listen to everyday. This is not a classroom, this is real life. You’re not competing with other students for the attention of your instructor or waiting for your turn to use the equipment.

Recording Connection mentors in Quebec use the same digital audio workstations (Ableton, Logic, Pro Tools) used by music producers and artists around the world. Master this equipment and you’ll be able to work anywhere. You’ll also learn how to set up a studio for specific clients, how to run a session, and how to find new clients. This is the kind of experience studio owners/managers look for when hiring.

It’s a fully-immersive environment where you’ll learn everything you need to do to make a career behind the glass. The Quebec Recording Connection isn’t for the student that just wants to learn how to make beats on the weekend with their friends. When you enroll into one of our programs, you’re not there to learn a hobby–you’re there to start a career.

This may be the most valuable aspect of the Recording Connection audio engineering and music production courses in Quebec. If who you know is just as important as what you know, you’ll start making connections from the start. Remember, your mentor, the artists they work with, and others that pass through the studio are already in the business. 

Impress them, and you’re on your way. This experience just isn’t available in a classroom setting.  Many of our students are hired by their mentors or find work at other studios because our students learned the right way to run a session. Some students make enough connections to build up a roster of clients and open their own studios. 

With our remote learning option, you don’t have to live in Montreal, Quebec City, L.A, or New York. You’ll still get one-on-one access to your mentor, learn how music is made in today’s world, and get the foundational building blocks to become an audio engineer or music producer. All you really need is a string enough computer, reliable internet, and the drive to make your dreams a reality.

Build your music production and audio engineering skills by learning with an industry professional near you.


Blink 182
Snoop Dogg
Taylor Swift

Over 4000 reviews

Yes, we have over 4000 positive reviews. Our students value the impact our programs have on their future. You learn from the best.

  • If you come in with and will to learn and to meet others, you will excel. Recording connection will get you in the room with other engineers and musicians in your area that are just like you and have the same mindset. - Tyler Sneed in Cedar Park, TX

  • I started off with a mentor I didn't work well with, but I was able to get transferred to a mentor who has helped me immensely. I am happy that I had a great student advisor who helped me through everything. Overall, feel like I've grown so much as an artist and have learned a great deal that will help me in my career. - Sarhai Islas in Henderson, NV

  • Before the program I didn’t feel like I had a solid skill set I could get a job with. After doing the Film Connections program I feel a lot more confident, knowledgeable, and responsible - Tanner Thomas in Los Gatos, CA

  • I just finished my course and it's amazing how much I learned in such a short amount of time. These guys really do their best to help you learn and succeed in this field. Highly recommend checking them out! - Nicholas Vice in Houma, LA

Amplify your life

with Audio

engineering and

music production