Music Producing & Engineering
Course 1: The Role of a Producer

There is no one way to describe what a producer does. They’re equal parts creative force, business executive, procurer of talent, engineer, artist, and pretty much anything else that’s required to make a record or album sound its very best. They could have some technical expertise, although they may lean on the audio engineer for more involved mechanical actions.

Ultimately, the responsibility of a producer is to oversee a recording project and, within that larger duty, there are several things that fall under their control. From an organizational standpoint, a producer can make sure everything runs smoothly, on time, and on budget. In this course, you’ll learn all of the hats a good producer must wear for a successful studio session.

On the administrative side, you’ll cover how producers hire sessions musicians, engineers, and backup vocals as well as schedule recording dates, secure studio time, and create a budget. In the studio, they may take on songwriting duties, arrangements, sound design, and even pick up an instrument.

You’ll also learn how to develop a personal style when it comes to producing as well as sharpen your interpersonal communication skills. If nothing else, a producer is only as good as his relationships–and you’ll need plenty of contacts if you’re going to excel in the role. At the end of the course, you’ll review what you’ve learned, take a quiz, and write a blog entry describing your experiences during this first course. Welcome to the program!


  • Describe what a producer is and does in today’s music industry.
  • Understand the importance of the different tasks a modern producer needs to complete to be successful.
  • Understand that concepts in the curriculum will help them achieve their goal of becoming a producer.
  • Understand the different tasks a modern-day music producer needs to accomplish and role they play in the outcome of the project they produce.
  • Display the ability to convey the importance of the job of the producer in the modern-day music industry.